
Monday, August 21, 2023

Mortgage deed

What is a Mortgage Deed? A Mortgage Deed is a legal contract that specifies certain property as collateral in exchange for a loan. With a Mortgage Deed, you can outline the terms and conditions of the loan, and come up with a termination plan. The benefit of Mortgage Deeds is that they give both parties get a sense of security regarding the terms of the arrangement. If you're a borrower, a mortgage deed form allows you to put up your property as collateral in exchange for a loan and helps you protect your legal rights and responsibilities if you're taking out a mortgage on your house, or maybe you're lending someone money and want some security on the loan. They also give the lender an interest in the property as a guarantee of the debt, with rights to the property until the mortgage amount is completely paid off.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

A secured creditor

A secured creditor has a security or charge over some or all of the debtor's assets, to provide reassurance (thus to secure him) of ultimate repayment of the debt owed to him. This could be by way of, for example, a mortgage, where the property represents the security. An unsecured creditor does not have a charge over the debtor's assets.[2] The term creditor is frequently used in the financial world, especially in reference to short-term loans, long-term bonds, and mortgage loans. In law, a person who has a money judgment entered in their favor by a court is called a judgment creditor. The term creditor derives from the notion of credit. Also, in modern America, credit refers to a rating which indicates the likelihood a borrower will pay back their loan. In earlier times, credit also referred to reputation or trustworthiness.

Friday, August 11, 2023


Loan The term loan refers to a type of credit vehicle in which a sum of money is lent to another party in exchange for future repayment of the value or principal amount. In many cases, the lender also adds interest or finance charges to the principal value, which the borrower must repay in addition to the principal balance.

Property buy or sell

Real Estate in Nepal |Buy or Sell Property in Nepal | Gharsansarnepal Gharsansarnepal is one of the leading real estate Bazar outlined to he...